Add your name and help fix Canada’s Copyright

From I Value Canadian Stories: THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE ACTION NOW TO FULFILL ITS 2022 BUDGET PROMISE TO FIX THE COPYRIGHT ACT. Everyone can agree that workers should get paid for the work they do. Nobody should be asked to live without a paycheque. Not...

This makes my month

I love my job as an author, but it’s a tough go because writing can be a grind. So, I doubly, triply, infinitely appreciate it when readers take time to let me know they enjoy the books. Their effort in contacting me makes the tough moments of writing a little...

Q & A with the WGA’s Youth Hub

Much thanks to Kate & the WGA’s Youth Hub for the chance to dive into some writerly questions. If you’re an Alberta writer looking for workshops and a chance to connect with your fellow writers, head to the...