Author Question – Queries

A lot of query letter templates say to mention other novels that are like yours, but how many stories should be listed?Asked writers and a friend who has connections with the agenting business, and the consensus seems to be: more than 1, not more than 3. If you only...

Author Question – Is It a Romance

Does the inclusion of secondary characters’ POVs mean my story isn’t a romance? How do I know if my story is a romance? One of the reasons I started writing in romance was because I was fed up with what I call Dysfunction Masquerading As Conflict. You know...

The Birth of a New Venture

I get questions from authors about query letters, synopsis, etc. all the time. While I in NO WAY shape or form think I have all the answers, I have some answers. Some.That work for me and those I know.So, I thought, heck, why not open the blog to questions from...