Originally posted Friday, January 19, 2007
I can’t be the only Canadian wishing for a burst of Spring, can I?
I don’t mind the driving cold that rips through my body, but that lack of sunlight is driving batty. Literally! It’s so dark, I’m having a hard time getting up, doing any kind of work – all I want to do, is sleep.
But there’s too much exciting things going on, for me to sleep away the next 2 months: RWE is changing its name to the Edmonton Society of Romance Writers, and we’re holding a writing contest for unpublished writers. Go to our site for more information. I’m getting into a new book – both my book that I’m writing, as well as A. Lee Martinez’s Gil’s All Fright Diner. And I’m editing my latest novel.
But with this lack of sun, where oh where shall I get my engergy? *sigh* Gee, I guess I’ll just have to go to the grocer’s and buy as much chocolate as I can…I wonder if they’ll give me a discount if I tell them that it’s for medicinal purposes…