A couple of friends, my husband and I went to see Fire at the Citadel. And all I can say is HOLY CRAP what an amazing, amazing, show. It’s loosely based on real life cousins, Jerry Lee Lewis & Jimmy Swaggart, but mostly about the choices we make…it also had some kick ass music. The two leads were bbeeeyyyooonnnddd amazing…there were so many moments that made my skin goose bump (in a good way), but the talent of the actors (all of them), the smooth transition with the stage decorations…I’ve been fighting allergies and had a pounding headache all day, and this was worth going out for, headache/cold and all…

Now, however is the run-off. I’m usually in bed by 9, 9.30 at the latest. We didn’t get home until 1.30am, and the guys had me up by 7.10am….will now be injecting caffeine into my veins and saying a prayer of thanks that I don’t have anything to do today, other than a bit of writing…