Trying my hand at my first (well, technically, second) non-romance novel. So far…er, well, I’m getting words on the page, so that should count for something.
I’m not exactly a panster but I don’t do detailed plots, either. I know the big things, the conflict, black moment…I have a sentence for each scene from chapter one through twelve, so far, but that’s subject to change…already, my protagonist has gone through a job change…
The thing I’m doing that’s new: I usually write then edit, write, realize something needs to be changed, go back and change it…
This time, I’m writing without going back. If something needs to be changed, I make a quick note in the margin or on the screen, but I’m pressing on…I’m also setting a minimum goal of 2 pages a day. Seems silly to do otherwise.
Gotta remind myself that drafts 1-3, I’m always sure the book’s going to fall apart. Draft 4 I love, drafts 5-7, I’m sure (once again) it’ll never work…
In other words, I’m trying to find a routine and a balance. Working at home full time is gorgeous and ugly, all at once. Being your own boss, a blessing and curse…how do you call it a day when the office is a step away from your bedroom? How do you justify saying, “no, I can’t watch television,” when the office will still be waiting?
I guess I’m about to find out…