I’m looking forward to tomorrow…when I do housework.

Oh, yeah, the writing’s going well, can you tell?

Okay, so it’s not going terrible but translating thoughts to words while NOT doubling back to verify said words is proving harder than I thought…or maybe it’s easier than I thought, but I’m just making it harder…

What? Me, over-think? Never.

On the cool side, got a box of goodies from my publisher for the Popular Print Cultures Festival , though to be honest, if there was ever a time I felt like the scullery maid caught in the midst of the Lord & Lady’s ball, this is one of them…but I remember (with exquisite memory) how bloody hard it was to get published and I thought, if I can pass on some helpful advice, then so be it…but YEE GODS! What did I get myself into?

Anyway, the boxes from the publisher & fellow authors are arriving and I get to put together goodie bags and whatnot…then I get to write…and tomorrow, I get to vacuum and hopefully, in putting my house in order, I’ll find a way to do the same thing with my thoughts…