Got a thank you card from the Y-City writers, thanking me for my donations. I didn’t expect the card and I have to say, it made my day…
Things are slow here on the writing front. A combination of crazy circumstances and headaches have provided a perfect duet in which little to nothing is getting done. Feels so frustrating. I’m not an artist’s artist, meaning I don’t like ebbs and flows, ups and downs–the transience of writing and art. I like consistency, productivity. Only, it doesn’t seem to be liking me back…
I guess it’s the fear of trying a new genre, and the uncertainty of my health issues, but it all feels so irritating and annoying. I want to bang out the book, get started on polishing, then selling it…sigh. I know the world can’t revolve around my wishes, but why can’t my world revolve around my wishes?