Got up and was all excited about it being Friday–till I realized it was actually Thursday…which, technically, is my Friday…although, I’m behind on the writing, so really, it’s more like Monday…and then, when I realized I was in danger of doing weekday math (Take the Thursday, subtract the Monday, add the Friday and carry the Tuesday), it just seem to be a good idea all around if I stopped realizing.
The furry ones had me up at 3 am this morning and as I stumbled to the kitchen, blindly groping for the kettle and teabags, I started wondering: you know how, when you all snug in bed and it’s warm and dark and someone comes along and flips the light, you feel that spark of irritation, that “HEY! SHUT OFF THE LIGHT!” I wonder if dogs have these feelings. Are they as annoyed by sudden light when they are snoozing as we are?
I mean, it’s not as if sudden, bright flashes of light are common in the animal world (well, except for the dinosaurs and look how well it turned out for them)…
Anyway, everyone’s back and sleeping–except me.
Trying to plan the day.
There’s the grocery shopping, writing, tidying up my office (and maybe shampooing the rug as Gus sent my cup of tea flying off the desk and crashing on to the floor), plus there’s the puppies and kitties…
Too early, truly, for all this deep thinking and planning. Think I’ll head back to the kitchen and grab another cup of tea, maybe talk to the boys, ask them their opinion on whether artificial lighting was really as great an invention as They would have us believe…