Last month was just straight writing. This month has been spent researching and more researching. My office is piled with books and I’m trying to get notes done in between edits, class lessons, editing (for other people), and most importantly, keeping Gus away from the new printer.

Don’t let his sleeping form fool you. That printer has been his Moby Dick for years. I zigged, he zagged and the next thing I know, my printer’s bleeding magenta ink all over the desk. A couple hundred dollars later (and a very surprised printer tech guy, “Geez. A cat did that?!”) and I’ve got a new printer (mine, sadly, went to the great copier in the sky).

Anyway, it’s just been a funny month. I’m working and getting those pages in, but I don’t feel productive…maybe it’s because last month I was on a new WIP and this month I’m back to an old favourite–and maybe most tellingly, an old favourite I thought was completed.

The truth is, I love this story enough to rework it, respect the job enough to go back and “do it right,” but I can’t help a little like I’m failing somehow, that I should have done a better job straight out of the gate.