So, I always get teased because when it comes to movies or books, I always check the ending before I start reading/watching. My reasoning: if I’m going to invest time in the journey, I better had like the destination.
We’re walking the boys this morning* and my husband was talking about a movie he’d stayed up to watch. He said that it was a great movie, but the ending was totally disappointing. He then went on to say that he was annoyed because he didn’t want to watch a movie that validated the status-quo of life–he wanted to watch something that gave a semblance of hope, that said perhaps we could rise above our situations and achieve a better life.
All I could say was, “See? This is why I check the endings. If I want to spend three hours with dysfunction or fatalism masquerading as reality, I’ll go visit certain people I know. When it comes to my entertainment, give me a happy ending, give me hope, give me a character that does more than wallow and give in to despair.”
He nodded, and you know waht that means. He’s come over to the dark side…for now. He’s a gemini, which means in two days, he’ll be watching some gut-wrenching movie where the main character tries valiently but dies, or the bad guy gets away. Me? I’ll be in another room.
*While we were walking the dogs, we came across barbed wire strung along the path. It was buried in the bark of a tree, but the wire itself was new…which makes you wonder if someone with bad intentions towards bikers/walkers/dogs put the wire there…we called the city and they said they’d have it removed right away (Edmonton is really amazing at stuff like that, it really will be done within the day)…still, what a creepy way to start the day.