Whoops, sorry guys. Forgot today was Monday”kept thinking it was Sunday (long weekends really screw with my internal calendar).
Today, courtesy of http://www.noslang.com/spelling.php, are a list of misused words:
Accept, Except – Accept means to receive, while except means to exclude.
Adverse, Averse – Adverse means difficult, Averse means having a strong feeling against (like an aversion)
Affect, Effect – An Effect is a result, Affect usually means to alter.
Alright – This just isn’t a word. You should use all right.
Assure, Ensure, Insure – Assure means to guarantee, Ensure means to make sure, and Insure should only be used when talking about insurance.
Compliment, Complement – A Compliment is praise, to Complement is to go well with something else.
Could Of – This doesn’t make sense. Use Could Have.
Discreet, Discrete – Discreet is to be careful, Discrete means distinct.
Farther, Further – Farther refers to distance, Further means more.
Foreword, Forward – A Foreword is the beginning of a book, Forward is a direction.
i.e , e.g – In Latin i.e means “that is”, while e.g means “for example”.
Its, It’s – Its is possessive – something that belongs to someone, It’s is short for it is.
Labtop, Laptop – Labtop is not a word. The computer sits on your Lap, not your Lab.
Loose, Lose – Loose is the opposite of tight, Lose is the opposite of win.
Precede, Proceed – something Precedes if it comes first, Proceeds if it follows.
No, Know – No is the opposite of yes, Know refers to something you’ve learned. (or in this case haven’t learned)
Than, Then – Than is used for comparisons, Then means it came next.
There, Their, They’re – There is a place, Their is something that belongs to them, They’re is short for They Are
To, Two, Too – Two is a number, Too means also, To is used with verbs (going to).
Weather, Whether – Weather is what the meteorologist always predicts wrong, Whether is used when making a choice.
Who’s, Whose – Whose is possessive, Who’s is short for who is.
Your, You’re – Your is something that belongs to you, You’re is short for you are.
Also, there is no such word as irregardless (it’s just ˜regardless’, regardless of what you’re saying) or ˜towards,’ it’s ˜toward.’