Well, oh boi.

I finished NaNoWriMo early and thought I’d take the rest of November off…then, I was notified about the Rfreeimage-1614266WiR position, and planing began, and I thought, “Well, that’s okay, because I’m taking time from writing…”

Then December hit & I was still planning, and still in the plan of taking time from writing (I was working very long hours and afraid I was losing a sense of balance between work & life)…then it was January…………………………………………………….and suddenly, I’d forgotten how to write.

The thing I’ve come to learn with my writing muscle is that it atrophies very, very quickly. For the past 6 weeks, I’ve been struggling to get back to writing shape, and dropping the weight more often than I’m lifting it…and the thing is, I really can’t mess with the schedule. I have books due by December 2013. That means I have to get to the writing rate I was at back in November 2012…

And truth is, I’m a little afraid I won’t get there, a little cheesed that I stopped writing, and then a little more cheesed that I feel like I can never take a break…

In the end, though, I think my path to success is to forget about the deadlines & thinking, and just get writing, and remind myself that’s it’s about the trying and not necessarily the succeeding that matters.