The redeemable side of the internet

Say what you will about the internet and online culture, but I’m comforted to see, based on tweets/comments, that I’m not the only person living with the fallout of Phil Collins’ heartrending, heart-wrenching soundtrack to Tarzan. That guy really put...

WGA Annual Conference 2023: Origins

I’m delighted to participate in the Writers’ Guild of Alberta’s 2023 Conference: Origins. I’ll be alongside fellow professionals and we’ll discuss the realities of being a professional author. Please head here for the conference schedule...

Time for a career change?

I was on one of those “funny tweets of the day” threads and someone with the handle, @bookishseawitch (the moon’s wife) posted, “Why don’t you sit still for a moment and imagine that you are simply a little goose coasting not he breeze...