The world just got spookier!

Join Asim, Rokshar, and Max on their latest adventure! Don’t Go Near the Water is available for sale now.

A strange woman seems to have eerie control over people. Is it science . . . or strange and ghostly? 

Asim’s field trip is freaking him out! His class is on a boat, exploring the Salish Sea, when he sees a pale, scowling woman staring at him from under the water. Asim’s friend Rokshar thinks it’s just a seal. She always finds a scientific explanation for the strange things that happen in town.

But when Asim’s dad hears otherworldly music coming from the water, he feels so drawn to it that he tries to throw himself in! Could a fairmaid”a mermaid from Guyanese folklore”be to blame?

Find out . . . if you dare!


The Writers Community of Durham Region presents ASK AN AGENT with ALI McDONALD
Saturday February 11
9:30 to 11:30 am EST


IN PERSON: St. Mark’s United Church, 201 Centre Street S, in Whitby ON

Enter through the south-facing door of the church. The meeting is in the upstairs hall. There is free parking on weekends in the church lot and in the town lot across the street. The building is wheelchair accessible on the west side.


Ali McDonald answers your questions about agenting, query letters, and the business side of the writing world. You’ll want to register early for this one”we’ll collect questions for Ali ahead of time!

Ali has worked in publishing for 14 years, leading the children’s division at The Rights Factory before launching 5 Otter Literary with her partners in January 2021. She represents bestselling, award-winning, emerging, and debut children’s authors and illustrators, in a range of formats and genres from board books to young adult literature and everything in between. Her specialization is in genre fiction”speculative, thriller, horror, science fiction, and fantasy”particularly from underrepresented and marginalized creators.

QUESTIONS? Please contact


Registration is Open for U of T course 1717-91

I’m excited to be back with the University of Toronto’s SCS, teaching course 1717 – Writing for Children: Introduction. Webinars will be held on Wednesdays from 12:30-3:00 pm ET. They’re also recorded for those who can’t attend live. Please see below for the class description and register here.

This course is the first step in the children’s writing stream of the Certificate in Creative Writing. You’ll explore the vibrant world of children’s literature, absorb basic literary technique and emerge with a draft of a picture book, story or opening chapter. You’ll meet a community of writers working in your genre and pick up advanced tips on writing picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels and young adult fiction. There will also be a primer on how to get published.

Understand the structure and techniques of telling stories for children.
Know trends and innovations in Canadian children’s literature.
Understand the publishing process.
Complete a draft of a picture book or early reader, or the opening chapter of a middle grade or young adult novel.

Cutest coworker support

So, I’m on the computer and can’t figure out what the apps aren’t working, why the screen is acting weird, then realized Himself was snoozing with his paw on my trackpad. Not gonna lie, this is the kind of sabotage I can live with. ♥️

WORKSHOP ALERT: Alberta Foundation for the Arts Grant Writing Session

From their website:

Join Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Arts Consultant Brenda Hennig and Arts Council Wood Buffalo to discover your options for individual grant opportunities at this free workshop.

Topics include

  • Grants for individuals and organizations offered by the AFA
  • How to apply
  • What you need to include in your application
  • The adjudication process
  • Reporting process when successful

When – Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 7:00 “ 8:00 p.m.

Where – Online presentation

Register here

Next deadline to get your AFA application in for an individual project grant is March 1, 2023.

Registration is Open for U of T course 1717-082

I’m excited to be back with the University of Toronto’s SCS, teaching course 1717 – Writing for Children: Introduction. Webinars will be held on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm ET. They’re also recorded for those who can’t attend live. Please see below for the class description and register here.

This course is the first step in the children’s writing stream of the Certificate in Creative Writing. You’ll explore the vibrant world of children’s literature, absorb basic literary technique and emerge with a draft of a picture book, story or opening chapter. You’ll meet a community of writers working in your genre and pick up advanced tips on writing picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels and young adult fiction. There will also be a primer on how to get published.

Understand the structure and techniques of telling stories for children.
Know trends and innovations in Canadian children’s literature.
Understand the publishing process.
Complete a draft of a picture book or early reader, or the opening chapter of a middle grade or young adult novel.

“First Thousand Words” Editing Fundraiser 2023


When: January 2023


If you’ve written a Young Adult novel, Middle Grade novel, Chapter Book, or Picture Book, the first thousand words are what will capture a potential publisher or agent, and they have to be pitch perfect. Or maybe you’ve started a new project and you’re not sure if the opening is working.

CANSCAIP Saskatchewan is here to help. Submit the first thousand words of your manuscript and up to two questions and our team of experienced published authors will give you editorial feedback so you can polish those pages or find out if you’re headed in the right direction.

The edits will be done anonymously as Track Changes in a Word document, as professional publishers use. Your pages will be returned to you within six weeks, with comments alongside the text, and with edits done on lines that need them.

The cost for CANSCAIP Members or Friends is $45, and $65 for all others. One manuscript per registration. Limit of two registrations per person.

The funds raised will go towards CANSCAIP Saskatchewan’s Prairie Horizons Conference in 2023.

This offer will be open from January 1st until 31st or until 100 registrations are received,whichever comes first. 

Once you register, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to submit the first thousand words of your manuscript. If you don’t receive that email, please check your spam folder. And if you still can’t find it, please contact our organizer, Dianne Young.  (

You have until the end of January to submit your writing, but the sooner the better.


Register here starting January 1st. (Remember to log in to get member/friend pricing.)

Best regards,


Natasha Deen | Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy