Some Days…

The only thing that will chase away the blahs is disco. I’m stayin’ alive and putting on my boogie shoes (and doing the shuffle very far away from the cats & dogs”for some reason, my dancing scares them¦

Keep Your Tail Up

Was watching an episode of the Dog Whisperer, and Cesar Milan was dealing with a skittish/nervous/fearful dog. As a matter of rehab, he held the dog’s tail up, saying, œIn the psychology of dogs, the high tail means confidence and dominance. If we hold his tail...


If you accidentally brush your arm with your hair–and because it’s dark and late at night, you think it’s some kind of spider crawling up your arm”and scream like a two-year-old, can you still call yourself a superhero in training and count the...

Stop the Insanity

So, for the past three special occasions, my husband’s bought me these cards that LOOK like there’s a bookmark attached on the front. It’s only after I’ve ripped it off that I realize, œEek. Nope. Just a decoration. Not an innovative...

I Think…

my trip to the library would have been faster if I hadn’t tried using my Shopper’s Drugstore card to check out at the self-service kiosk¦