Me & Reading gives Grime 5 Stars

“The story was great, the characters fascinating and the world of the True Grime was beyond the usual. It was one of the best fantasy worlds I have ever read.”

Tweezle Reads Loves Grime

œThis book is packed with wit, humor and lots of page turning action. I loved the humor but more than that, I loved the originality of the story. It is such a fun read¦a great book for both teens and adults.I can’t wait for the next in the series to come out. I...

4 Stars from Amazon Review

Very Cool Review from an Amazon/GR Reader: I can easily see True Grime as a series…It’s a story for everyone not just teenagers…[it]opened my eyes to a unique but believable world and addresses important issues in a fun way. Pepper is definitely a...

More Reviews for Grime!

Rhodes Review:This book was a humorous blend of both fantasy and mystery¦[it] kept me compelled¦If you get the chance, pick up this book, I think you’ll love every minute of it. I did. Practical Frugality: I do recommend it for everyone, obviously those who...