Thursday Time: Fix the Dings

As I drove to Bragg Creek last week, I noticed a chip in my windshield. No time to fix it, so I stuck a sticker on it (to prevent the dirt from cracking it further) and hoped it would last until I returned home¦no such luck, with all the rain, the sticker just washed...

Thursday Time: Paralysis by Analysis

It’s a first draft. It’s supposed to stink. It should make you retch and wonder what insanity made you think you could write. First drafts are heady, fast, dirty. They’re not the stuff you pass on to editors or agents. So, don’t try to make...

Wednesday Whoa: Forever Odd

Re-reading Forever Odd, and reminding myself why it is that I love Koontz so much: suspense, comedy, and the only guy who makes me laugh at the same time he’s scaring the pants off me.

Thursday Time: Finding the Quiet

There’s a difference between an idea for a story and then writing it. It’s two different processes. The Idea Guy is that loud, vibrant œWHAT IF!!! moment.  It comes at you, rushing the idea”it’s heady, exciting, seductive. It’s the next part...

Public Service Announcement: Prepare for Death

Bet that title caught your eye.  Very long story short, this is for all the adults: please, FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE, for your family, friends, PPPLLLEEEAASSEEE do the paperwork/preparation for your demise.  This means: Have a will”no, it’s not just for the...

Thursday Time: The Silver Bullet

Every author is looking for the magic pill, the fail-safe solution for ensuring their success”especially right now, when trying to carve out a career is like trying to hang a picture in the middle of an earthquake. But here it is, the magic solution: Write. Yeah,...