Thursday Time: Wii

Will someone tell me who’s the genius that decided the best sound for the Wii board to make when a person steps on it, is a surprised Geez-How-Much-Do-You-Weigh, œOH!?

Quick Question

Am I the only one who saw this add and DID NOT think it was an advertisement for a clothing store so much as a shopping mart for”ahem”ladies of the night? Seriously, am I getting old or is fashion now telling women the hooker look is the new black?

Mother’s Day Surprise

With it being May, today my husband decided to clean up the BBQ* in preparation for a summer of burgers and grilled shrimp. Instead of a charred grill, however, he found this:   Yep, we have a family of squirrels living in our BBQ!  The family is safe and secure and...

Thursday Time: Wha?!

Heard a study that said a cat falling from 20 stories has a 30% higher chance for survival than a cat falling 7 stories. Here’s my question: How did the heck did they collect that data?!

Why You Should Think Before You Speak

Poor Stephen Harper, one off the cuff remark about the NDP & 1939 Germany and the Twitterverse has taken him to task, with hilarious results! (Oh, and thanks to all the soldiers who fought and died, and continue to fight for our freedom to criticize our...