How Did Mother Do It?

Having 2 puppies and 2 kitties, is a lot like having 2 babies (twins), and 2 toddlers. The days are spent running like made from one to the other, full of pithy remarks like, “NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DON’T EAT THAT!!!” & “WAGH!!!...

Milo & Murphy

Introducing Milo & Murphy. Milo is the one with the black snout (he’s on the left side in the pic where they’re both sleeping). Milo is about 15% smaller than Murphy, which is really noticable when Murphy hops up on the deck (much to my dismay. I...

Life’s Journey

Some of you know we had actually been debating getting another dog for Kaleb. He was so devoted to Buddy & such a dog’s dog, that we thought it may have done him a world of good to have another puppy friend.A couple of things stopped us. His age, but mostly...


Kaleb is barking–not constantly, just every once in awhile, I get a yip or bark…it’s been a month since Buddy left and in that time, we realized that Kaleb is blind.We didn’t know. He totally used Buddy to orient himself in time and space. My...

My Weekend

My weekend:Friday–on a shopping expedition, I say to my husband, “All I ever seem to do is stay at home, wearing various types of cotton (linen, flannel–wait, are those even types of cotton). I gotta get out more, get a life, and do more exciting...